DuroVac – Industrial Central Vacuum Systems

Piping designs that do not choke and plug with the fastest pricing, drawings, and delivery.

Central vacuum cleaning systems that do not plug


Multi-Operator Central Vacuums

Central vacuum cleaning systems that support more than one operator usually use a "dynamic" type of vacuum producer. These machines maintain an equal vacuum while the air volume changes, with horsepower increasing with flow. To the operator, this means performance doesn't change as the number of operators change.

Platform Series Central Vacuums

Choose from multi-operator platforms with regenerative and cast iron centrifugal exhausters and positive displacement powered systems for high flow, high vacuum.

Material Loading Central Vacuums

Single operator vacuum systems designed to move high tonnage. These systems use high vacuum positive displacement vacuum pumps that pull harder as the job gets tougher.

Special Application Central Vacuums

Systems designed to move various tough-to-handle materials.